Reduces inflammation of the sinus and headache associated with it. Stops pain in the forehead, either side of the nose, in jaws and teeth, between eyes, inside ear etc. |
Decreases the feel of pressure due to accumulation of fluid in the sinus. Reduces facial tenderness. |
Reduces blocked nose and feeling of stuffiness in the chest and throat. Stops nasal discharge and decreases production of mucus. |
Cures fever and heals sore throat and cough. |
2 Tablets with water after breakfast and dinner. |
Very effective in reducing the pain in sinus and facial tissues. Helps in flushing of the accumulated fluid in the sinus and subsequently reducing the swelling and pain. Reduces blocked nose. Heals sore throat and cures cough.BENEFITS OF THIS TABLET
- Reduces inflammation of the sinus and headache associated with it. Stops pain in the forehead, either side of the nose, in jaws and teeth, between eyes, inside ear etc.
- Decreases the feel of pressure due to accumulation of fluid in the sinus. Reduces facial tenderness.
- Reduces blocked nose and feeling of stuffiness in the chest and throat. Stops nasal discharge and decreases production of mucus.
- Cures fever and heals sore throat and cough.
Getting very good relief in my sinus psin.
ReplyDeleteVery effective tablets for sinus. I am having this problem since 10 years and more. Always irritated to put nasal drops. This tablet is a big relief..
ReplyDeleteAmazing result mla hai mujhe.
ReplyDeleteChetan Sud
ReplyDeleteChetan sud From Ludhiana
ReplyDeleteGood effect in sinus. Releif