The inflamed conditions of the mouth in Ayurveda are classified under Mukhapaaka. Accordingto Ayurveda, ulcers are caused by the heat generated due to an aggravated pitta dosha. So, the treatment focuses on pacifying the pitta doshas with natural ingredients. It is also necessary to control pitta dosha in the oral cavity. Vedicmeds Ayurveda aims a multi-dimensional treatment with its combo kits which has the following products.
Vedicmeds Ayurveda provides a multi-dimensional treatment which has the following products:
Reduce soreness and pain in the ulcers. Cures ulcer forming on the lips and corner of the mouth. Soothes the ulcer while eating. Stops spreading of the ulcer to the healthy part of the mouth. Stops constipation and removes toxins from the blood. Removes tastelessness and unusual watering of the mouth. Improves digestion and appetite.
DOSE : 2 Tablets with water after breakfast & dinner.
Immediately gives a relief in the burning sensation of the ulcer. Soothes the blisters and reduces the soreness.
DOSE : Take 1-2 drops of oil in the given dropper and apply the oil on mouth ulcers directly.